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English-Hindi > scrounge

scrounge meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ skraundʒ ]  sound:  
scrounge sentence in Hindi
1.Scrounging for a simple aspirin became an all-day ordeal.

2.Vegetables he scrounged from the dumpster behind the Winn-Dixie.

3.Meanwhile, I've been reduced to scrounging for samples.

4.Many others were created clandestinely on materials scrounged inside the camps.

5.The airplane's Canadian owner scrounged the world for parts.

6.Twenty years of scrounging for medical help has exhausted their mother.

7.For many months they found themselves scrounging money off the floor.

8.I'll see what further information I can scrounge up.

9.Until the 1970s, collectors had to improvise and scrounge for furnishings.

10.She just has to scrounge up one more single bed.

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collect or look around for (food)
Synonyms: forage,

obtain or seek to obtain by cadging or wheedling; "he is always shnorring cigarettes from his friends"
Synonyms: schnorr, shnorr, cadge,

How to say scrounge in Hindi and what is the meaning of scrounge in Hindi? scrounge Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.