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sauteed meaning in Hindi

sauteed sentence in Hindi
1.Mini-burgers are out, and sauteed prawns are in.

2.,pound mushrooms sauteed in 1 tablespoon butter ( see note)

3.Broccoli rape can be steamed, sauteed, parboiled or baked.

4.The gently sauteed spices add a subtle, altogether delightful kick.

5.Choices may include sauteed crab cakes with brown butter and capers.

6.If desired, top with sauteed mushrooms and sprinkle with chives.

7.1 / 2 cup chopped mushrooms, sauteed in 1 tablespoon butter

8.Serve, if desired, on a mound of sauteed spinach.

9.Add beef, peppers and sauteed potatoes, and toss gently.

10.They ask for a steak with just sauteed greens or asparagus.

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How to say sauteed in Hindi and what is the meaning of sauteed in Hindi? sauteed Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.