For some reason, my wife got offended by my innocuous comment about the saltiness of the soup that she prepared from a new recipe. एक नई विधि से बनाए सूप के खारेपन पर मेरी सीधी-साधी टिप्पणी सुनकर मेरी पत्नी को किसी कारणवश बहुत बुरा लगा।
the property of containing salt (as a compound or in solution)
the taste experience when common salt is taken into the mouth Synonyms: salt, salinity,
language or humor that is down-to-earth; "the saltiness of their language was inappropriate"; "self-parody and saltiness riddled their core genre" Synonyms: coarseness,
How to say saltiness in Hindi and what is the meaning of saltiness in Hindi? saltiness Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by