English-Hindi > roughneck
roughneck meaning in Hindi
sound : roughneck sentence in Hindi
Examples 1. In the 1980s, the industry had plenty of experienced roughnecks . 2. Lane gained a reputation for being a roughneck in his youth. 3. Wildcatters, roughnecks and bright-eyed dreamers staked their claims. 4. He was also a roughneck in a South Texas oil field. 5. TYLER ROUGHNECKS _ Signed RHP Jeff Ware and RHP Russ Herbert. 6. Assistant coach Dave Pym was named the new Roughnecks head coach. 7. This greatly helped the public accept the antics of the roughneck runt. 8. Her father is a gray-haired, pony-tailed roughneck . 9. At times, the literate man looks and sounds like a roughneck . 10. "It's a roughneck school,"
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How to say roughneck in Hindi and what is the meaning of roughneck in Hindi? roughneck Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.