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restitutions meaning in Hindi

restitutions sentence in Hindi
1.The question of restitution for artworks taken in wartime remains touchy.

2.Not all of those investors are eligible for restitution, however.

3.Restitution is ordered in about 18 percent of all federal cases.

4.Current law provides only for restitution from parents for car theft.

5.When she stopped making restitution, she was ordered to court.

6.We do know Marty has the ability to give full restitution.

7.The SEC waived the restitution because he is unable to pay.

8.I would expect the state would demand some sort of restitution,

9.Various Texas officials _ including Royal _ apologized and promised restitution.

10.Talks over restitution have dragged on since the collapse of communism.

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How to say restitutions in Hindi and what is the meaning of restitutions in Hindi? restitutions Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.