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repledge meaning in Hindi

repledge sentence in Hindi
1.Once there, Elidurus demanded they all repledge their allegiance to Archgallo under penalty of death.

2.In some situations, the lender can actually " repledge " or sell the collateral the borrower used to secure the loan from the lender.

3.Thousands of conservative party faithful came from across France, from the Atlantic to the Alps, to a huge hangar-like exhibition hall on the outskirts of Paris on Thursday night to repledge their troth to Chirac.

4.Bearman and Bruckner also found that pledging has a greater effect on 16-and 17-year-olds than on 18-year-olds; that it loses its effectiveness if it's both unpopular and too popular within a group; that promise breakers are less likely than nonpledgers to use contraception when having intercourse for the first time; and that transgressors feel no worse about themselves than other adolescents who have intercourse . ( TLW, acknowledging the prevalence of promise breakers, encourages them to repledge by declaring a kind of amnesty known as " second virginity . ")

How to say repledge in Hindi and what is the meaning of repledge in Hindi? repledge Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.