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refereeing meaning in Hindi

refereeing sentence in Hindi
1.This is a game that demands a degree of international refereeing.

2.The Celtics then were the victims of two controversial refereeing decisions.

3.What do you expect with Capt . Picard out there refereeing,

4.The refereeing schedule was determined before the Dallas-Revolution game.

5.Naas writes, " but refereeing / bodyguard was missing.

6.And we fought a negative refereeing crew in the second half.

7.The only thing they were worse at than playing was refereeing,

8.I want to see higher standards of refereeing in Asian football.

9."That was brutal refereeing, " said Murray.

10.The Cup is entering a stage where good refereeing is essential.

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the act of umpiring; "the officiating was excellent"
Synonyms: umpirage, officiation, officiating,

How to say refereeing in Hindi and what is the meaning of refereeing in Hindi? refereeing Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.