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ragtime meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ 'rægtaim ]  sound:  
ragtime sentence in Hindi
1.They are not so jazzy, more in a ragtime style.

2.Their book " Ragtime Tumpie " was much honored.

3.Which brings the story back to " Ragtime ."

4._Best Book of a Musical : Terrence McNally, Ragtime.

5._Best Featured Actress, Musical : Audra McDonald, Ragtime.

6.It is never right to play ragtime fast, "'

7."Ragtime " is " god-awful.

8.Joining " Ragtime " in Toronto meant leaving Northwestern.

9.But ragtime was the first such music to inform an era.

10.The musical : " Ragtime " ( 1998 ).

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music with a syncopated melody (usually for the piano)
Synonyms: rag,

How to say ragtime in Hindi and what is the meaning of ragtime in Hindi? ragtime Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.