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quizmasters meaning in Hindi

quizmasters sentence in Hindi
1.Points are awarded to each team by the host / quizmaster.

2.Http : / / www . quizmaster . com / jamesbond . htm

3.Maslanka is also the quizmaster for " New Humanist " magazine.

4.Edward Downes celebrates his 37th season as quizmaster.

5.This season there will be no permanent quizmaster.

6.Downes was its quizmaster from 1958 to 1996.

7.Benteley attempts to get a job in the prestigious office of Quizmaster Reese Verrick.

8.The BBC revived the programme on 21 September 1994 with Jeremy Paxman as the quizmaster.

9.Quizmasters have historically held office for timespans ranging from a few minutes to several years.

10.In 1979, Tom McCarthy began his run as Quizmaster and remains in that role today.

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How to say quizmasters in Hindi and what is the meaning of quizmasters in Hindi? quizmasters Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.