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pucka meaning in Hindi

pucka sentence in Hindi
1.Patches of few " pucka " cemented houses seem to protrude out of the clay houses.

2.Cooleen finished the race in second place, and finished fourth the following year and again in 1939 . Pucka Belle was third and Ego fourth.

3.Harrah's smaller North Star vessel will open at 11 a . m . instead of 9 a . m . Monday through Friday, said Harrah's marketing director, Pucka Tomasic.

4.Rye then went on to form Pucka Records, GVC Records and the RockHistory . co . uk project as well as continuing the Magpie Direct mail order company that he had created whilst at See For Miles.

5.In Zagreb together with three other composers ( Z . Grgoaevi, J . Gotovac, and A . Novak ) Taj evi prepared a concert in the series  Naaa pucka lirika ( Our Folklore ), which started in 1923.

6."' Pomorzany "'is a municipal neighbourhood of the city of Szczecin, Poland situated on the left bank of Nowe Miasto to the north, Midzyodrze-Wyspa Pucka to the east, and Gmina KoBbaskowo ( Ustowo village ) to the south.

7.The first was " An 1880 Journey through Kashub, Poland ", an English translation of Hieronim Derdowski's epic " O Panu CzorliD [ cim co do Pucka po sece jachoB " ( Mr . Czorlinsczi Goes To Puck To Buy Fishing Nets ), which is regarded as the beginning of Kashubian poetry.

8.In 1902, as a pupil, together with two friends, StanisBaw Czarnowski and BolesBaw Piechowski, he loved reading Aleksander Majkowski's poem " About electing the sexton in Ko [ cierzyna, or five bachelors and only one girl " ( " " Jak w Kosc�rznie kosceln�go obrel? abo pic kawaler�w a jedn?jedyn?brutka "  ) and Hieronim Derdowski's work " About Mr CzorliDski who went to Puck to get nets " ( " " ?Panu Cz�rliDsczim, co do Pucka po s�c?jach�B "  ); as Karnowski himself wrote in his diary, the books " aroused his fascination ".

absolutely first class and genuine; "pukka sahib"; "pukka quarters with a swarm of servants"
Synonyms: pukka,

How to say pucka in Hindi and what is the meaning of pucka in Hindi? pucka Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.