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pruning meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ 'pru:niŋ ]  sound:  
pruning sentence in Hindi
1.-- Prune only to remove broken branches and growth faults.

2.Light pruning after spring-flowering shrubs have bloomed is fine.

3.They're now being pruned and thinned for eventual harvest.

4.Other nutrition-packed juices include grapefruit, prune and pineapple.

5.Citrus trees, incidentally, do not need a heavy pruning.

6.The doctor pruned some stray tissue, and closed up shop.

7.Using clean, sharp clippers, prune back about a third.

8.A good pruning saw runs about $ 25 to $ 30.

9.Medicaid and welfare can no doubt be pruned without doing injustice.

10.Pulse on and off until prunes are finely chopped and smooth.

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the act of trimming a plant

something that has been pruned off of a plant

How to say pruning in Hindi and what is the meaning of pruning in Hindi? pruning Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.