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English-Hindi > protura

protura meaning in Hindi

protura sentence in Hindi
1.In addition to these common insect Orders , we have in India some minor Orders like Zoraptera , Gryllo-blattoidea , Strepsiptera , Megaloptera , Mecoptera , Raphi-dioidea , Aptera and Protura .
इन सामान्य कीट गणों के अतिरिक़्त भारत में कुछ गौण गण भी हैं जैसे कि जोरैप्टेरा , ग्राइलोब्लाटॉइडिया , स्ट्रेप्सिप्टेरा , मेगोलोप्टेरा , मीकोप्टेरा , रैफीडिऑइडिया , एप्टेरा और प्रोटूरा .

How to say protura in Hindi and what is the meaning of protura in Hindi? protura Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.