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English-Hindi > prothoraxes

prothoraxes meaning in Hindi

prothoraxes sentence in Hindi
1.The head is short and somewhat covered by the prothorax.

2.The head is dark and much narrower than the prothorax.

3.The sides of the head and the prothorax are spiny.

4.The prothorax is often reddish and has bright markings.

5.The prothorax has sclerotized sternal spatula ( most ).

6.The two pale lines merge into a single median line on the prothorax.

7.Head, and prothorax black with blue shiny sheen.

8.The head is as long as, or longer than, the prothorax.

9.They have brown ellipsodial bodies with a prothorax resembling a monk's cowl.

10.The prothorax is much narrower than the base of the elytra on the abdomen.

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How to say prothoraxes in Hindi and what is the meaning of prothoraxes in Hindi? prothoraxes Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.