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progressive meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ prə'gresiv ]  sound:  
noun plural: progressives   
progressive sentence in Hindi
1.Towards any type of progressive political change.
किसी भी प्रगतिवादी राजनैतिक बदलाव के रास्ते में।

2.progressive, downtown weekly in Toronto.
टोरंटो की प्रगतिवादी, शहरी साप्ताहिक मैगज़ीन।

3.This lecture of his became a declaration letter for a progressive revolution.
उनका यही भाषण प्रगतिशील आंदोलन के घोषणा पत्र का आधार बना।

4.His this speech became basis of the announcement letter of Progressive Movement.
उनका यही भाषण प्रगतिशील आंदोलन के घोषणा पत्र का आधार बना।

5.This same lecture by him became the base of progressive movement manifesto letter.
उनका यही भाषण प्रगतिशील आंदोलन के घोषणा पत्र का आधार बना।

6.Progressive Party of Working People
मजदूर जनता की प्रगतिशील पार्टी

7.Progressive Workers' and Farmers' Union
प्रगतिशील कर्मिक और कृषक संघ

8.Progressive Writers' Movement
अखिल भारतीय प्रगतिशील लेखक संघ

9.Progressive Reform Party (Suriname)
प्रगतिशील सुधार दल (सूरीनाम)

10.United Progressive Alliance
संयुक्त प्रगतिशील गठबंधन

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favoring or promoting progress; "progressive schools"

(of taxes) adjusted so that the rate increases as the amount of income increases

advancing in severity; "progressive paralysis"

favoring or promoting reform (often by government action)
Synonyms: reformist, reform-minded,

(of a card game or a dance) involving a series of sections for which the participants successively change place or relative position; "progressive euchre"; "progressive tournaments"

gradually advancing in extent

a person who favors a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection of civil liberties
Synonyms: liberal, liberalist,

a tense of verbs used in describing action that is on-going
Synonyms: progressive tense, imperfect, imperfect tense, continuous tense,

How to say progressive in Hindi and what is the meaning of progressive in Hindi? progressive Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.