However, pulmonic stops do have plosion in other environments.
Note that, generally speaking, stops do not have plosion ( a release burst ).
The fight was the main event at the ETK production " X-plosion : New Zealand vs . Japan ".
Twenty years later, the show made a return to the city in the twenty-ninth season, " The Real World : Ex-Plosion ".
On 23 May 1999, he participated in the first " X-plosion series " event, which was a famous Australian kickboxing promotion, fighting against Daniel Dawson.
The Role Call has had many of their songs used in MTV's television shows such as, The Real World : Ex-plosion, Snooki & JWOWW, and more.
He said the investigation of the strike was not yet complete, but he raised the possibility that the deaths were caused by Iraqi air-to-plosion in order to blame it on American forces.
In 2013 Gala's various new songs such as " Lose Yourself In Me ", " Taste of Me " and " Love Impossible " were featured on MTV networks hit television shows Best Ink, Real World Ex-Plosion, and Road Rules Extreme Challenge and " Keeping Up With The Kardashians ".
the terminal forced release of pressure built up during the occlusive phase of a stop consonant Synonyms: explosion,
How to say plosion in Hindi and what is the meaning of plosion in Hindi? plosion Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by