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plainsman meaning in Hindi

noun plural: plainsmen   
plainsman sentence in Hindi
1.I had seen'The Plainsman'10 or 11 times.

2.Plainsman Park was first used as a baseball facility in 1950.

3.Right from The Start . " The mascot is the Plainsman.

4.It, too, is located behind the Plainsman Building.

5.McDonald joined The Plainsmen Quartet in 1989 and sang with them until 1992.

6.Lee Davidson, the editor of the Auburn Plainsman, the student newspaper said.

7.The Auburn Plainsmen beat the Gators 20 0.

8.Bowden told the Plainsman . " He politically understands what he's doing.

9.In the Plainsman interview, Bowden said : " Coach Dye is not Bear Bryant.

10.Then he brought in The Plainsmen, who had recorded " North to " with Johnny Horton.

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an inhabitant of a plains region (especially the Great Plains of North America)

How to say plainsman in Hindi and what is the meaning of plainsman in Hindi? plainsman Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.