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plainchant meaning in Hindi

plainchant sentence in Hindi
1.It contains one of the few remaining examples of Celtic Plainchant.

2.Clausulae eventually became used as substitutes for passages of original plainchant.

3.A low plainchant performed by a 24-voice male chorus.

4.Anglican chant grew out of the plainchant tradition during the English Reformation.

5.The movements differ in their treatment of the source plainchant.

6.For several centuries, different plainchant styles existed concurrently.

7.The chant manuscript records mainly Western plainchant of the Roman-Frankish octoechos.

8.Neumatic notation remains standard in modern editions of plainchant.

9.The existence of quilisma in the musical notation indicates the influence of plainchant.

10.Fontes Cantus Bohemiae is a database cataloging plainchant sources in the Czech countries.

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a liturgical chant of the Roman Catholic Church
Synonyms: plainsong, Gregorian chant,

How to say plainchant in Hindi and what is the meaning of plainchant in Hindi? plainchant Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.