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pincers meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ 'pinsəz ]  sound:  
pincers sentence in Hindi
1.No human remains were found by the remote-controlled pincers.

2.That done, they could squeeze the Chechens like a pincer.

3.The cranes'pincers seized chunks of reinforced concrete and refrigerators.

4.Seven minutes later, Seaman was caught in the pincers again.

5.He himself put out their eyes with red-hot pincers.

6.This gives their hands and feet a pincer-like appearance.

7.The great land-sea pincer could now close on Vicksburg.

8.The teeth can be in a scissor bite or pincer bite.

9.The contingent of Government forces approached them in a pincers movement.

10.The soldiers split into two groups to execute a pincer movement.

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How to say pincers in Hindi and what is the meaning of pincers in Hindi? pincers Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.