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piercing meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ 'piəsiŋ ]  sound:  
piercing sentence in Hindi
1.Piercing of fish by Arjun in the Panchal Assembly
अर्जुन द्वारा पांचाल सभा में मत्स्य भेदन

2.By sharing toothbrushes and razors; from equipment used for tattooing and body piercing; and between drug users who share needles, syringes and other equipment.
कौंडोम (निरोध) के बिना किसी रोगी के साथ संभोग करने से|

painful as if caused by a sharp instrument; "a cutting wind"; "keen winds"; "knifelike cold"; "piercing knifelike pains"; "piercing cold"; "piercing criticism"; "a stabbing pain"; "lancinating pain"
Synonyms: cutting, keen, knifelike, stabbing, lancinate, lancinating,

having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions; "an acute observer of politics and politicians"; "incisive comments"; "icy knifelike reasoning"; "as sharp and incisive as the stroke of a fang"; "penetrating insight"; "frequent penetrative observations"
Synonyms: acute, discriminating, incisive, keen, knifelike, penetrating, penetrative, sharp,

How to say piercing in Hindi and what is the meaning of piercing in Hindi? piercing Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.