1. This implies an argument of perigee of either 0 or 180 degrees. 2. The initial apogee was 191, 000 km and perigee 350 km. 3. By this date, the perigee altitude had decayed to 155 km. 4. Style was published by the Perigee imprint of the Berkely Publishing Group. 5. Make the perigee low enough and the orbit will decay reasonably fast. 6. The last burn, during the third orbit, lowered the perigee to. 7. An argument of perigee of 90?would likewise serve the high southern latitudes. 8. The resultant slowing of the Shuttle lowered its orbital perigee down into the upper atmosphere. 9. All debris generated has a perigee that intersects the atmosphere or is at escape velocity. 10. The disturbance is greatly intensified when the new moon in perigee happens at such periods.