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English-Hindi > penniless

penniless meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ 'penilis ]  sound:  
penniless sentence in Hindi
1.A boy who grew up penniless, alone, yet unafraid.

2.Peter the Hermit had relinquished his command to Walter the Penniless.

3.But he died penniless at age 27 in 1938 in Greenwood.

4.Eventually, they were thrown penniless onto the streets of Lviv.

5.The Muslim king fell in love with a penniless Roman Catholic.

6.His wife left the factory penniless at the end of hostilities.

7.She was finally discovered by Thai police and sent home penniless.

8.He died nearly penniless in 1953 at the age of 60.

9.As Ponzi was penniless, this proved to be very difficult.

10.Marshall, penniless, eventually ended up in a small cabin.

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not having enough money to pay for necessities
Synonyms: hard up, impecunious, in straitened circumstances, penurious, pinched,

How to say penniless in Hindi and what is the meaning of penniless in Hindi? penniless Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.