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pastiche meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ pæs'ti:ʃ ]  sound:  
pastiche sentence in Hindi
1.It takes fine combing to dislodge the intentional pastiche and parody.

2.Brady explained, his skin a pastiche of pinks and reds.

3.The effect is one of pastiche rather than of being haunted.

4.It's an homage of a pastiche of an amalgamation.

5.One grandson, The Moor ", a Sherlockian pastiche.

6.Its style is an amalgam of magical realism and postmodern pastiche.

7.Thunder Girl is a pastiche of Mary Marvel of DC Comics.

8.Lewis calls it " a bizarre pastiche of limping mediocracy ".

9.Some critics dismiss this painting as a fake or crude pastiche.

10.CONTENDERS Dartmouth, Penn and Princeton seem best in usual Ivy pastiche.

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a work of art that imitates the style of some previous work

a musical composition consisting of a series of songs or other musical pieces from various sources
Synonyms: medley, potpourri,

How to say pastiche in Hindi and what is the meaning of pastiche in Hindi? pastiche Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.