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palaeontological meaning in Hindi

palaeontological sentence in Hindi
1.Skeletal remains have been found in both archaeological and palaeontological contexts.

2.He acts as a regular book reviewer for the Palaeontological Association.

3.This is one of the most important palaeontological localities in Slovakia.

4.He has also been President of the Palaeontological Association and Palaeontographical Society.

5.It is in the collection of the Mongolian Palaeontological Center.

6.He was also head of the Palaeontological Museum of Oslo.

7.In 2008 the Palaeontological Association awarded him the Lapworth Medal.

8.Recent brachiopods from the southern Brazilian shelf : palaeontological and biogeographical implications.

9.From 1925 on Louis lectured and wrote on African archaeological and palaeontological topics.

10.The " 400 days " comes from palaeontological observations ( explained here ).

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How to say palaeontological in Hindi and what is the meaning of palaeontological in Hindi? palaeontological Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.