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oversight meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ 'əuvəsait ]  sound:  
noun plural: oversights   
oversight sentence in Hindi
1.Without any human oversight,
किसी मानव निरीक्षण के बिना,

2.Critics of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the organization tasked with oversight of Palestine refugees, have tended to focus on its sins. Its camps are havens for terrorists. Its bureaucracy is bloated and its payroll includes radicals. Its schools teach incitement. Its registration rolls reek with fraud. Its policies encourage a mentality of victimhood.
संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ सहायता और कार्य एजेंसी की क्षति को कम करना

3.Iraqis should - with only distant coalition oversight - be given the chance to make a go of it on their own. When a government has proven itself over an extended period, it deserves full sovereignty. Should things go wrong, those troops in the desert can always intervene.
शक्ति - बगदाद में सरकार , सीमा , तेल और गैस लाइनों की सुरक्षा गारंटी सेना ले । सद्दाम हुसैन और उसके लोगों की धर-पकड़ हो । इसके अतिरिक्त व्यव्स्था चलाने का दायित्व इराकियों पर हो ।

4.Freed of the military's oversight only in mid-2011, I see Erdoğan possibly winning enough dictatorial power for him (or a successor) to achieve his dream and fully implement the Shari'a. Related Topics: Turkey and Turks receive the latest by email: subscribe to daniel pipes' free mailing list This text may be reposted or forwarded so long as it is presented as an integral whole with complete and accurate information provided about its author, date, place of publication, and original URL. Comment on this item
मध्य 2011 में ही सेना की निगरानी से मुक्त होने के बाद मुझे लगता है कि एरडोगन अधिक तानाशाही शक्तियाँ प्राप्त कर लेंगे ( या फिर अपने उत्तराधिकारी के लिये) ताकि अपने स्वप्न को पूर्ण कर सकें और शरिया को लागू कर सकें

5.As an American, I say good luck to Iraq but good riddance to U.S. control of its cities, goodbye to oversight of the economy and schools, farewell to worrying about inter-tribal relations and the Mosul Dam, and adieu to responsibility for terrorists and their victims . Ironically, while occupation of Iraqi cities did deep and lasting damage to the United States, its beneficial impact on Iraq will likely be superficial and transient. In all, a painful waste of resources is winding down none too soon.
एक अमेरिकी होने के नाते मैं इराक को शुभकामनायें देता हूँ लेकिन अमेरिका के नियंत्रण से इसके शहरों की मुक्ति , इसकी अर्थव्यवस्था और विद्यालयों के देखरेख को अंतिम नमस्कार , कबाईली तनाव और मोसुल बाँध को लेकर तनाव को अंतिम नमस्कार और आतंकवादियों के दायित्व और उनसे पीडितों के दायित्व को प्रणाम ।

6.Performance of Contract Administration Services (CAS) within DoD has been studied and modified for many years. In the early 1960's, a study was commissioned by the Secretary of Defense to examine the entire DoD contracting process. Known as “Project 60,” the findings pointed to numerous benefits to consolidating contract administration functions. At that time, each agency and military service was performing their own contract administration which resulted in a great amount of duplicate effort. Many of the contract administration responsibilities were eventually moved to the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA). However, the military services continued to retain oversight of the major acquisition programs.
अमरीकी रक्षा विभाग के (U.S. Department of Defense) (DoD) के रूप में आतंकवाद को परिभाषित: अवैध हिंसा या गैरकानूनी हिंसा के खतरे के डर जगाने के लिए की गणना का उपयोग करें या मजबूर करने के लिए लक्ष्य का पीछा में है कि आम तौर पर राजनीतिक रहे हैं सरकारों या समाजों भयभीत करना

7.Although the military's previous plans for the transition had called for Parliament to pick 100 members of a constituent assembly that would draft the constitution, General Mulla made clear that the military council no longer intended to allow that. “The majority of the People's Assembly will not be the only one represented in the constituent assembly,” he said, at times questioning the essential premise that an elected body could represent the general public. “We have a lot of other factions such as workers, farmers, engineers and doctors who are not in Parliament.” … Asked if the military would eventually submit to public parliamentary oversight of its budget, General Mulla appeared to find the idea ridiculous, saying he knew of no military whose budget was public. Asked if the military might intervene in civilian politics in the future, however, he was more circumspect. “The armed forces won't intervene in the political life of Egypt since the people will consent in the parliamentary bodies,” he said. After the adoption of new government institutions, he said, “there will be no need to intervene.”
दूसरा, तत्काल प्रभाव से काहिरो को दी जाने वाली सभी आर्थिक सहायता बंद कर दी जानी चाहिये। यह पूरी तरह अस्वीकार्य है कि अप्रत्यक्ष रूप से ही सही लेकिन पश्चिम के आयकर दाताओं का धन मिस्र के इस्लामीकरण मे खर्च हो। इस आर्थिक सहायता को फिर से तभी आरम्भ किया जाना चाहिये जब सरकार सेक्युलर मुस्लिम,उदारवादी, काप्ट सहित अन्य लोगों को पूरी तरह स्वतंत्र रूप से स्वयं को अभिव्यक्त करने और संगठित करने की अनुमति प्रदान करे।

a mistake resulting from inattention
Synonyms: lapse,

management by overseeing the performance or operation of a person or group
Synonyms: supervision, supervising, superintendence,

an unintentional omission resulting from failure to notice something
Synonyms: inadvertence,

How to say oversight in Hindi and what is the meaning of oversight in Hindi? oversight Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.