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English-Hindi > overshooting

overshooting meaning in Hindi

overshooting sentence in Hindi
1.There also was the possibility of the trains overshooting the signals.

2.Our concern today is to avoid excess volatility and any overshooting,

3.Undershooting or overshooting the target productivity governs their quality of life.

4.Warming must be done carefully to avoid overshooting normal body temperature.

5.Exchange rate developments have corrected a part of the overshooting,

6.The most important thing is to prevent violent overshooting of exchange rates.

7.But the familiar pattern of overshooting and subsequent modularization is becoming evident.

8.If he sails too long, he risks overshooting it.

9.It's the effect of that overshooting we are working off now.

10.Unfortunately, overshooting is always a risk when economic imbalances get too big.

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How to say overshooting in Hindi and what is the meaning of overshooting in Hindi? overshooting Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.