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English-Hindi > offertory

offertory meaning in Hindi

noun plural: offertories   
offertory sentence in Hindi
1.Offertories are sung during the offering of Eucharistic bread and wine.

2.The offertory on that was given to the King Edward VIII.

3.This is also the traditional Eastern Orthodox perspective on the offertory.

4.It was the richest German diocese by revenues and offertories.

5.The offertory box near the door is a memorial to John Bulman.

6.She also wears a small offertory box on her back.

7.The last part of the offertory resembles an Body and Blood of Christ.

8.Ordinary members participated in the order activity through the offertory and membership dues.

9.He wears a small offertory box on his back.

10.I think the offertory ( collection ) is down maybe $ 2, 000,

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the offerings of the congregation at a religious service

How to say offertory in Hindi and what is the meaning of offertory in Hindi? offertory Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.