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notorieties meaning in Hindi

notorieties sentence in Hindi
1.In the notoriety that followed, Dowd left his law firm.

2."I'm surprised and amazed by his notoriety.

3.If acquittal does not erase such notoriety, time still may.

4.The small fraternity of knuckleball pitchers gets its share of notoriety.

5.Nor are they ostensibly in this for the money or notoriety.

6.McCorvey said, explaining that she is tired of the notoriety.

7.His notoriety increased awareness of organ donations a thousand-fold.

8.But with the luck and the bucks has come instant notoriety.

9.Whatever its notoriety, the value of the stuff adds up.

10."It's notoriety, " he said.

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How to say notorieties in Hindi and what is the meaning of notorieties in Hindi? notorieties Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.