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English-Hindi > neglected

neglected meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ ni'glektid ]  sound:  
neglected sentence in Hindi
1.Neglected the serious congress ethics in Indian history writings
भारतीय इतिहास लेखन में गैर-कांग्रेसी तत्वों की अवहेलना

lacking a caretaker; "a neglected child"; "many casualties were lying unattended"
Synonyms: unattended,

disregarded; "his cries were unheeded"; "Shaw''s neglected one-act comedy, `A Village Wooing''"; "her ignored advice"
Synonyms: ignored, unheeded,

How to say neglected in Hindi and what is the meaning of neglected in Hindi? neglected Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.