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necron meaning in Hindi

necron sentence in Hindi
1.The party defeats Necron, however, saving the world.

2.The Necron Destroyer model was also revamped and made into a plastic kit.

3.This Ultima barrage also destroys the crystal, prompting Necron's appearance.

4.Angelis was a suspected Necron tombworld, prompting Imperial efforts to assess the planet.

5.Barkley stays behind while the rest of the party escapes from the Necron 5.

6.Most of Kauravan Necron Lord's Wargear items are aimed at horrifying his enemies.

7.Inertialess drive was the means of FTL travel used by the Necron warships of the Warhammer 40, 000 universe.

8.There are also Necron squads called'Triarch Praetorians', which consist of elite warriors that are able to fly.

9.The " Necron Immortal " metal miniature was released at the same time as the publication of the army list.

10.Thule credits his victory over the Necron Lord to Mikelus, though Thule himself is venerated by the Chapter for the deed.

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How to say necron in Hindi and what is the meaning of necron in Hindi? necron Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.