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musics meaning in Hindi

musics sentence in Hindi
1.There is absolutely nothing remarkable about the music on this record.

2.Certainly my music sounds as if it comes from that area.

3.Discovery and appreciation of the music rests with the individual filmgoer.

4.I had almost given up on making a career in music.

5.While the music plays, the pictures on the screen change.

6.Each of these grids reveals something about music and its reception.

7.The music is deliberately spare : the dancers themselves perform it.

8.I thought it would be fun to write music like this.

9.Getting discovered in the music business isn't so simple.

10.But they also heard music from an orchestra of blind children.

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How to say musics in Hindi and what is the meaning of musics in Hindi? musics Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.