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English-Hindi > munched

munched meaning in Hindi

munched sentence in Hindi
1.A floor below, another crowd munched away at their dinner.

2.Chuck, caring little for semantics, nodded and munched on.

3.Visitors sipped lemonade and munched on potato chips while music played.

4.In one empty lot, a forlorn mule munched on debris.

5.One munched on popcorn, another on a candy bar.

6.Deep Bistro told me as he munched his Caesar salad.

7.She happily munched on Cheerios whilst dad was getting fitted for immortality.

8.He munched a slice of pizza and watched the staff with admiration.

9.The congregants drank wine and munched on rugelach before the service began.

10.Instead, they munched on medallions of Italian baby beef.

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How to say munched in Hindi and what is the meaning of munched in Hindi? munched Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.