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modish meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ 'məudiʃ ]  sound:  
modish sentence in Hindi
1.He called it a " mannered and modish design ".

2.Yet there is something wrong with such modish logic.

3.This is so even if the critique itself is of a fairly modish sort.

4.It is a modish diagnosis for historians,

5.Such catchwords clearly reflect a perception that Germans see English as more contemporary or modish.

6.The young are modish without being freakish, as are you-know-who.

7.Cernuda's poetry shows a continual process of stripping away artifice and modish elements.

8.That also explains the modish, tongue-in-cheek attitude that the campaign takes.

9.Heather Graham runs along changing her modish clothes as Austin's new sidekick, Felicity Shagwell.

10.The final sections of the chapter were on " vogue words " and " modish writing ".

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in the current fashion or style
Synonyms: latest, a la mode, in style, in vogue,

How to say modish in Hindi and what is the meaning of modish in Hindi? modish Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.