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misconstrue meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ 'miskən'stru: ]  sound:  
misconstrue sentence in Hindi
1.Kwanzaa is often misconstrued as an Afrocentric replacement holiday for Christmas.

2."It can be misconstrued, " he says.

3.To give them armies and military alliances instead misconstrues the threat.

4.Universalism is misconstrued as some sort of sponge that welcomes everything,

5.I see how it ( the nomination ) could be misconstrued,

6.Baca and Parks have argued that such data could be misconstrued.

7.However, this styling misconstrues the roles of wives of sultans.

8.He later claimed that his quote had been " misconstrued ".

9.The group was once misconstrued as being a band of terrorists.

10.Needless to say, I totally misconstrued the meaning of Wikipedia.

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interpret in the wrong way; "Don''t misinterpret my comments as criticism"; "She misconstrued my remarks"
Synonyms: misinterpret, misconceive, misunderstand, misapprehend, be amiss,

How to say misconstrue in Hindi and what is the meaning of misconstrue in Hindi? misconstrue Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.