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mirabilite meaning in Hindi

mirabilite sentence in Hindi
1.In turn, thenardite can also absorb water and converts to mirabilite.

2.Rock salt reserves are and mirabilite reserves are.

3.It slowly turns to mirabilite in damp air.

4.Both minerals are less common than mirabilite.

5.They mined both Mammoth Cave and Salts Cave for gypsum and mirabilite, a salty seasoning.

6.It occurs associated with halite, polyhalite, anhydrite, gypsum, thenardite, mirabilite, sassolite and blodite.

7.Some craters may have been affected by fumarolic activity, which has left sodium sulfate minerals such as mirabilite.

8.In humid conditions, thenardite gradually absorbs water and converts to the mineral mirabilite, Na 2 SO 4 ?0H 2 O.

9.It is commonly associated with other evaporite minerals such as epsomite, mirabilite, halides, and other sodium-magnesium-sulfates.

10.Mirabilite is unstable and quickly dehydrates in dry air, the prismatic crystals turning into a white powder, thenardite ( Na 2 SO 4 ).

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How to say mirabilite in Hindi and what is the meaning of mirabilite in Hindi? mirabilite Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.