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mantled meaning in Hindi

mantled sentence in Hindi
1.Like most people, Roy White remembered a Mantle home run.

2.They are going to name their boy Mickey, after Mantle.

3.When I first retired, it was like Mickey Mantle died.

4.Nobody gave a damn about Mickey Mantle for about five years.

5.We remember those spots with Joe DiMaggio, with Mickey Mantle,

6.Jason Garrett will make room on his mantle for the awards.

7.But a Mickey Mantle rookie card in a safety deposit box?

8.Sports heroes like Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle and Jackie Robinson.

9.She never was interested in carrying the mantle of her father.

10.I don't think Mantle and Elston Howard would strike.

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How to say mantled in Hindi and what is the meaning of mantled in Hindi? mantled Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.