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lividity sentence in Hindi

"lividity" meaning in Hindilividity in a sentence
  • Maximum lividity occurs within 6 12 hours.
  • It depicts lividity on the left side of the face relevant to the time of death issue.
  • The body was corrupt, with unstable skin lividity, numerous cancers, renal failure and more.
  • Yuzna described the film as having the " sort of shock sensibility of an " lividities and different corpses ".
  • The size of the patches increases in the next 3 6 hours, with maximum lividity occurring between eight and twelve hours after death.
  • Details include the contents of the victim's stomach, signs of " post mortem lividity " and recent sexual intercourse by consent or rape.
  • After several delays in recording, as well as push-backs by Trustkill Records, the new album " Lividity " was released on September 15, 2009.
  • With its release, URN took to the road once again in support of the new album, playing all over North America, including tour dates with Blackguard, and Lividity.
  • After frontman Nicholas Brooks departed in 2006, just after the release of the band's sophomore effort " Lividity " in 2009 before going on an indefinite hiatus in 2010.
  • Peerwani said he attibuted the death to injuries from a hit-and-run accident but said the body's lividity indicated Biggs probably had been struck elsewhere and later dumped in the park.
  • Since blood is no longer being pumped through the body, gravity causes it to drain to the dependent portions of the body, creating an overall bluish-purple discolouration termed livor mortis or, more commonly, lividity.
  • In his ruling, the judge found something of value in most photos, including abrasions that indicated struggle and resistance; lividity that helps indicate time death; and cut marks that indicate whether one or two weapons were used.
  • At this point, embalmers commonly perform basic tests for signs of death, noting things such as clouded-over corneas, lividity, and rigor mortis, or by simply attempting to palpate a pulse in the carotid or radial artery.
  • Although the body was found laying face down, postmortem lividity indicated that it had been face-up for at least the first twelve hours after death, indicating that some time had passed between the death and disposal of the body.
  • Fowler said that the marks on Todd's hands identified by Adelstein as bruises from a fight were actually " the most classical example of post-mortem lividities " in hanging cases and declared that " the cause of death was asphyxia due to hanging ".
  • At the time the juror, one of the two remaining alternates on the panel, rose from her seat Tuesday, Sathyavagiswaran was discussing wounds on a display titled, " Sharp-force injuries to left flank, left thigh and right chest of Mr . Goldman; blunt-force trauma and lividity ."
  • These guys love cadavers, especially ones with exit wounds or lividity slats ( after death, discoloration of the skin by gravitation of the blood ); and, indeed, all three shows manifest a kind of interest in, and even reverence for, the deceased that's unusual on TV, where the discovery of a corpse is typically just a starting point.
  • Then there's " Shevil " and " Lividity, " which clock in at six and nine minutes, respectively, and feature little other than a bass line, some drums and, in the latter case, some incidental voices in the background . . . kind of like a slice of'60s psychedelia minus lyrics, vocals or guitar work.
  • When Brian talks with his pathologist friend Artie ( William Snare ) who tells him about irregular happenings in dead bodies ( whom include a little girl, a homeless man, as well as the health inspector that attempted to kill Denise ) had lividity of their blood draining into their legs as if they had been walking around after death, Brian begins to suspect that Denise might be telling the truth.
  • "Social networking among jurors is trying judges'patience ", by Del Quentin Wilber, " The Washington Post " .-A juror looked up the definition of " lividity " on Wikipedia, resulting in a first-degree murder trial conviction being thrown out, and a new trial . "'whisper in my ear "'01 : 52, 10 January 2010 ( UTC)

lividity sentences in Hindi. What are the example sentences for lividity? lividity English meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.