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lionizing meaning in Hindi

lionizing sentence in Hindi
1.He couldn't fathom why he wasn't lionized.

2."They shouldn't be lionized for bad decisions.

3.But Whitacre did not emerge as a lionized whistle-blower.

4.A fair portion of the coverage lionized the crew as heroes.

5.Lionizing this man, however, comes at a serious cost.

6.He's been vilified and lionized, adored and abhorred.

7.Enduringly popular abroad, Mishima is far less lionized at home.

8.In China, Wang is being lionized as a military hero.

9.Still lionizing dishonesty and the'culture of corruption'Beatty?

10.He's been lionized and vilified by the critics.

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How to say lionizing in Hindi and what is the meaning of lionizing in Hindi? lionizing Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.