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lecher meaning in Hindi

lecher sentence in Hindi
1.He has been completely demonized by the Clinton liars and lechers.

2.Bob Hoskins is another plus as the rich mayor and leading lecher.

3.As an alternative for UHF, Lecher transmission lines can be used.

4.That way he wouldn't seem such a lecher.

5.Lecher has built approximately 250 homes in the area.

6.Pelle consequently faces ridicule at school for being the son of a lecher.

7.She wants you to run with her to shoo off lechers lurking in bushes.

8.We already know he is a lying lecher.

9.Opera's most famous womanizer is portrayed as a gun-toting lecher.

10.It is possible to measure roughly the frequency of a transmitter using Lecher lines.

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man with strong sexual desires
Synonyms: satyr, lech, letch,

How to say lecher in Hindi and what is the meaning of lecher in Hindi? lecher Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.