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lazarettos meaning in Hindi

lazarettos sentence in Hindi
1.A lazaretto was opened in 1871 instead of the penitentiary.

2.Buccari had a lazaretto, founded by a Venetian company.

3.The lazaretto was soon surrounded by a spiked palisade 12 ft high.

4.There it crosses the Lazaretto Creek onto Tybee Island.

5.Which lazaretto one stayed at depended on one's bill of health.

6.Young supported the establishment of lazarettos in the province.

7.In 1853 it was used as a cholera lazaretto.

8.Amanfu also sang several tracks on Jack's second album, Lazaretto.

9.Sails from Lazaretto Creek Marina, Tybee Island.

10.By Motorola message the team was advised to seek the site of Lazaretto Battery.

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How to say lazarettos in Hindi and what is the meaning of lazarettos in Hindi? lazarettos Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.