The mount of five a five-knolled hill represents the five prominent peaks that frame the village.
The local lore has it that the three-knolled hill ( called a " Dreiberg " in German heraldry ) refers to the Burgberg, the Go�berg and the Hinst�rz, three local peaks.
The arms might heraldically be described thus : In azure a three-knolled hill ( " Dreiberg " in German heraldry ) Or, on each flanking knoll a fir tree Or, between which a cross argent.
The three-knolled hill called a " Dreiberg " in German heraldry stands for the Kn�llgebirge in which the community lies, and the oak sprig refers to the community's membership in the former Kurhessen-Waldeck Tourist Association.
The coat of arms that they bore then, showing a golden hart in silver climbing out of a blue three-knolled hill ( a charge called a " Dreiberg " in German heraldry ), foreshadowed the one now borne by the community.
When few college coaches from the U . S . mainland traveled to watch him play pickup basketball on the grassy-knolled outdoor court near Hay Penny Beach, Christiansted, he simply agreed to play for one who did, low-profile Dave Odom of little old Wake Forest.
The pasque�ower, which within the municipality is under conservational protection at the Mittagsfels conservation area, and a three-knolled hill ( a charge known in German heraldry as a " Dreiberg " ), representing the plant s habitat ( it only grows on hilly land ).
Memmelsdorf s arms might heraldically be described thus : Party per pale Or and argent, Or a " Zentrichter " ( roughly lower court judge ) with cloak and hat sable holding in the hand dexter a staff argent and in the sinister a book Or, vert emerging from a three knolled hill vert an oaktree with acorns Or.
The three-knolled hill, called a " Dreiberg " in German heraldry, refers to the community s geographical location in the Vorspessart, and also to the three constituent communities of Johannesberg, Breunsberg and Sternberg, which all end in " berg " ( German for mountain ), whereas the wavy bend sinister ( slanted stripe ), which is meant to resemble a brook, refers to the three constituent communities of Oberafferbach, Steinbach and R�ckersbach, which all end in " bach " ( German for brook ).
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