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kneeler meaning in Hindi

kneeler sentence in Hindi
1.They are black-stained oak with cane seats and kneelers.

2.And then I put the notebook down and reached for the kneeler.

3.Kneelers made by 489th Bomb Group veterans'wives are also in this church.

4.Dividing the sanctuary from the chancel are wooden altar rails with red embroidered kneelers.

5.I saw it even on the chair which I was using for a kneeler.

6.Pews and kneelers were restored, too.

7.The Nave has no pews, utilizing individual, movable chairs, complete with kneelers.

8.A wooden kneeler upholstered with green leather is located in front of the statue for prayer.

9.The hospital gave us an altar, Stations of the Cross, tabernacles, pews and kneelers,

10.A large timber cross is fixed to the wall and the room contains timber kneelers and pews.

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a board (sometimes cushioned) for someone to kneel on

a person in a kneeling position

How to say kneeler in Hindi and what is the meaning of kneeler in Hindi? kneeler Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.