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killjoy meaning in Hindi

killjoy sentence in Hindi
1.Call me a killjoy, but I'm not alone.

2.Choi's initials definitely don't stand for KillJoy.

3.With Party Poison dead, the remaining Killjoys continue their escape.

4.So far, however, the killjoys are not winning.

5.Maybe those evolutionary biologists aren't such dismal killjoys after all.

6."Killjoy " by Julie Garwood ( Ballantine)

7.His best known roles include Scotty Wandell on the Killjoys ".

8.Then Killjoy comes out and knocks Jamal and Monique out.

9.Tuesday, is something of a killjoy on the topic of time machines.

10.And a killjoy recession could come any day now.

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someone who spoils the pleasure of others
Synonyms: spoilsport, wet blanket, party pooper,

How to say killjoy in Hindi and what is the meaning of killjoy in Hindi? killjoy Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.