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intangible meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ in'tændʒəbl ]  sound:  
intangible sentence in Hindi
1.Continuity might be the most important intangible in offensive line play.

2.But events are shaped by men as well as intangible forces.

3.An artist creates those intangibles which prepare you emotionally and visually.

4.The intangible loss of a manager is more difficult to gauge.

5.Perhaps the greatest change to Lewis'hitting is purely intangible.

6.But the cost in lives, treasure and intangibles is high.

7.Intangibles, however, can't be dismissed that lightly.

8.Intangibles : Homemade flavor; dishes and two pans to wash.

9.It's high time people recognized those intangibles ."

10.And they have that intangible the Sonics finally possess _ togetherness.

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incapable of being perceived by the senses especially the sense of touch; "the intangible constituent of energy"- James Jeans
Synonyms: impalpable,

(of especially business assets) not having physical substance or intrinsic productive value; "intangible assets such as good will"

lacking substance or reality; incapable of being touched or seen; "that intangible thing--the soul"
Synonyms: nonphysical,

hard to pin down or identify; "an intangible feeling of impending disaster"

assets that are saleable though not material or physical
Synonyms: intangible asset,

How to say intangible in Hindi and what is the meaning of intangible in Hindi? intangible Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.