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indurated meaning in Hindi

indurated sentence in Hindi
1.The lip may become scaly and indurated as AC progresses.

2.This term is also used for indurated radiolarian oozes and sometimes as a synonym of radiolarian earth.

3.The unit contains calcareous nodules of varying sizes as well as poorly indurated " conglomerate " with vertebrate fossils.

4.They may be indurated, but I'm really looking forward to Curiosity having a look at them.

5.Because the poorly indurated agglomerates are subject to rapid erosion the cone's structure has been heavily degraded.

6.Ganisters are indurated, fine-grained quartzose sandstones, which can be used in the manufacture of silica brick.

7."' Callous ulcer "'is a chronic nonhealing ulcer with hard indurated base and inelastic margins.

8.They are excessively variable in their mineralogical composition, and very often alternate in thin seams with biotite hornfels and indurated quartzites.

9.The bases of the phyllaries are indurate, or hardened, and rarely wholly foliaceous, meaning leaf-like in appearance.

10.These rocks are quite indurated and tough, as opposed to non-welded lapilli tuffs, which are unconsolidated and easily eroded.

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How to say indurated in Hindi and what is the meaning of indurated in Hindi? indurated Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.