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indigene meaning in Hindi

indigene sentence in Hindi
1.There still numerous numbers of Anioma indigenes who commanded the Biafran Army.

2.Ifejioku is another annual festival often traditionally celebrated by indigenes.

3.However, no Okwagbe indigene is known nationally in the political space.

4.Egede indigenes believe in the Odo deity before the coming of Christianity.

5.Muslims have been denied indigene-ship certificates disproportionately often.

6.They indirectly ruled the indigenes and managed the land cultivation.

7.Precise figures relating to the population decline of California indigenes are not available.

8.They could be the remnants of the Vangiones or possibly among the indigenes.

9.In 2006, the band decided to finish their contract with Goesoo Indigene.

10.The body consists of democratically elected representatives by the indigenes of the town.

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an indigenous person who was born in a particular place; "the art of the natives of the northwest coast"; "the Canadian government scrapped plans to tax the grants to aboriginal college students"
Synonyms: native, indigen, aborigine, aboriginal,

How to say indigene in Hindi and what is the meaning of indigene in Hindi? indigene Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.