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incinerating meaning in Hindi

incinerating sentence in Hindi
1.Incinerating the Germans and gleefully nuking the Japanese 50 years ago.

2.The monkeys killed Wednesday were dissected for research and then incinerated.

3.Subway platforms incinerate whoever is unfortunate enough to be on them.

4.Soon afterward, his trees were incinerated in two successive firebombings.

5.Found in most plastics, the chemical forms dioxin when incinerated.

6.Sundry bystanders are also punctured, stabbed, defingered and incinerated.

7.An estimated four percent of the damaged area was completely incinerated.

8.On the floors where the airliners penetrated, they were incinerated.

9.Then you have to truck the food out and incinerate it.

10.Many bodies were incinerated beyond recognition, others may have disintegrated.

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How to say incinerating in Hindi and what is the meaning of incinerating in Hindi? incinerating Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.