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hypo meaning in Hindi

noun plural: hypos   
hypo sentence in Hindi
1.Hypo-Bank management board member Josef F . Wertschulte said.

2.Allianz also owns 22.6 percent of Hypo-Bank.

3.The inaugural edition was also contested by Hypo Nieder�sterreich from Austria.

4.It was purchased by Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank International.

5.I agree that hypo-and hyper-are terrible prefixes.

6.Anette Zinsser, a spokeswoman for Hypo Bank, concurred.

7.Hypo-Bank fell 4.4 marks to 75.61.

8.Hypo-Bank shares rose 77 pfennig to 82 marks.

9.Hypo-Bank shares rose 41 pfennig to 81.64 marks.

10.It is absolutely unimportant whether a unit comes from Hypo or Vereinsbank.

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a piston syringe that is fitted with a hypodermic needle for giving injections
Synonyms: hypodermic syringe, hypodermic,

a compound used as a fixing agent in photographic developing
Synonyms: sodium thiosulphate, sodium thiosulfate,

How to say hypo in Hindi and what is the meaning of hypo in Hindi? hypo Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.