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hourglasses meaning in Hindi

hourglasses sentence in Hindi
1._James Taylor, " Hourglass " ( pop)

2.But there isn't much sand left in the hourglass.

3.JAMES TAYLOR : " HOURGLASS " ( Columbia ).

4.At age 40, the hourglass is half empty for Williams.

5.There is simply no more sand left in the negotiating hourglass,

6.There is simply no more sand left in the negotiating hourglass.

7.Presumably this is the case for hourglass dolphins, as well.

8.Later they adopt an hourglass logo to symbolize time running out.

9.Both houses of the Australian Parliament use three hourglasses to divisions.

10.Critics were highly positive towards " Phantom Hourglass ".

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How to say hourglasses in Hindi and what is the meaning of hourglasses in Hindi? hourglasses Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.