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English-Hindi > horse-racing

horse-racing meaning in Hindi

horse-racing sentence in Hindi
1.Horse-racing is her passion .

2.For fun, she had been working on an elaborate horse-racing animation for some time .

3.I don ' t like their live broadcast of horse - racing meetings

4.What yours idea about the horse - race tonight

5.In britain people like watching horse - racing and dog - racing

6.In the racial horse - race , the white racer ' s race - horse won

7.In the racial horse - race , the white racer ' s race - horse won

8.Activities in the daytime include wrestling , bull fighting , archery , horse - racing and so on

9.The sports events were much less than now - - - only racing , wrestling , horse - racing and pentathlon

10.Secretary for home affairs : the executive council approved on tuesday proposals to reform the duty system for horse - race betting

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How to say horse-racing in Hindi and what is the meaning of horse-racing in Hindi? horse-racing Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.