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English-Hindi > headword

headword meaning in Hindi

headword sentence in Hindi
1.When we work on a headword, we start afresh.

2.Both editions claim " over 220, 000 headwords ".

3.The book also contained a dictionary with around 4, 500 headwords.

4.In addition, headwords may not accurately reflect a dictionary's size.

5.In 1779 he published the first Tamil to English dictionary containing 9000 headwords.

6.They follow the canonic Homeric text, with headwords or " gloss.

7.Headwords also have translation equivalents in various national languages.

8.Over 70 percent of the headwords have Catalan translations.

9.Headwords in each layer are defined using only the headwords from previous layers.

10.Headwords in each layer are defined using only the headwords from previous layers.

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a word placed at the beginning of a line or paragraph (as in a dictionary entry)

a content word that can be qualified by a modifier
Synonyms: head word,

How to say headword in Hindi and what is the meaning of headword in Hindi? headword Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.